الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2015

Film-makers ... ten directors in the awards season

Talking today about a number of film directors
Who performed what is sexy or privileged, or wonderful. Here
Ten of them gather around awards season
And including the Oscars.

Hany Abu-Assad
About: Omar

Why ?: While investigating Abu-Assad Palestinian film (as he did while out «Paradise Now» or as he does in his new movie «Omar») takes into account the daring subject, the Libyan political considerations and what makes many of the critics and filmmakers react to him.
Business: still a new reason for more than a name, including the spacing between his films and his unwillingness to give up
Worth ...: Of course. The whole of Palestine deserve.
... But: the probability that performs shift from a good film to film Oscar await the outcome of the vote.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: *** 1/2

Ji. S. Chandur J. C. Chandor
About: everything is lost All is Lost
Why ?: films now nothing short of amazing to have signed this director, «marginal appeal» and «everything is lost».
Business: until now preferred quality over commercial success.
Worth ...: Yes
... But: all the critics have not yet located in the amateur, not all filmmakers.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ****

Kwon brothers Joel and Ethan Cown
About: inside Yoon Davis Inside Llweyn Davis
Why ?: Anjuhan while Resume acts are making such a film.
Business: Lisa from the people of the commercial success
Worth ...: This year about this movie Yes
... But: The film is not Holyoodia what may stand in the way claimed to have enough votes.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ****

Paul Greengrass Paul Greengrass
About: Captain Phillips Captain Phillips
Why ?: demonstrates the balance in the interaction between what is technical and what is interesting and what is the drama and characters.
Business: Required in Hollywood
... Deserves: the film better than some would like recognition.
... But: usual preference for films is Alichoiqih
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ****

Spike Jones Spike Jonze
About: Her
Why ?: won rampant demand from critics
Business: Unknown widely.
Worth ...: I have not seen the film yet, but depending on the critic's 35 gathered his might.
... But: ...... Why did after previous occasions been given awards for Oscar?
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ... ..

David Oorussel DavidO'Russell

About: American Monument American Hustle

Why ?: Oorussel is a friend of awards years ago when he won «Three Kings» and later «fighter».
Business: has a good reputation in Hollywood as a director meaningful and successful films turnout
Worth ...: Yes.
... But: there are others who deserve more
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ***

Alexander Payne Alexander Payne
About: Nebraska Neberaska
Why ?: A few persevere to achieve independent films Alamaaljhoualemoadia.
Business: If the public has limits
Worth ...: Personally, yes.
... But: The film is not really his best work.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ****

Alfonso Cuarón Alfonso Quaron
For: the attractiveness of Gravity
Why ?: offers double as well: for himself as a director and science fiction cinema.
Business: This is the world's largest success to him.
Worth ...: This is not a film that required a dramatic management
... But: will reap a number of mainly technical awards.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: ****

Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese
About: The Wolf of Wall Street The Wolf of Wall Street
Why ?: Scorsese attend the semi-annual and the value of moral and Madahkberh.
Business: With Steven Spielberg among the busiest of all his generation (Lucas retired and Alambtad Coppola, De Palma ending ...).
Worth ...: Always
... But: the film did not reap enough critics impressive. Is this a sign?
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film: I have not seen the movie yet.

Paolo Sorrentino Paolo Sorrentino
About: great beauty La Grande Bellezza
Why ?: build this future Italian director this work.
Business: Unknown.
Worth ...: The issue is not whether or not worth ...
... But: because the decision to have one else gets his film on the Golden Globe as best foreign film, but he ruled out completely Alooscarat.
Evaluation of "shadows and ghosts" of the film

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