الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2015


Join the movie Juno distinct type of Egyptian cinema and is the so-called (smart cinema) and showing the power and beauty of this intelligence in several elements, making the Juno one of the most beautiful films of 2007 at all, one of the most important of these smart elements of the script

and strength raised and processed transparent problem where the majority of teens American society in particular is located, and is non-forensic pregnancy, through this sensitive social issue, drawing us writer Diablo Cody how difficult it is to make decisions in life and the product of that on the lives of these people so that we can watch Juno and fear of the future and the efficiency of that family, which will retain her child, on the other hand takes us scenario strange relationship of its kind between Juno and Mark, who still lives in the dreams of his youth and late adolescence, is not a building figures alone genius in the scenario, but even the construction of the translucent relationships that grow between the studied figures carefully and accuracy so that when you see Juno sees it as a real human being and spontaneous and you can imagine the reaction of any modern possible to fall in it, and therein lies the building this strength of character on which the film as a whole, and is never easy hire it practically outside those printed by the stock character Juno, here comes the most difficult role in the hands of the young actress uptrend yen Beige, after watching the work doubted that the yen Beige to have schizophrenia and other personality and personal that these are actually Juno, the yen Beige is simply Juno became the front of the camera, Tfm your joy when you smile and sad when you cry, connecting those realism from behind the screen yarns in not an easy task at all, Saundtrak film Juno was the first place in the Albalbord several days ago, it is a combination of those Youth songs to loved everyone, fabulous film offers you a profound experience and fun at the same time, Juno is a message, from Diablo Cody to all mothers around the world, and everyone passes in compelling circumstances to make it in the most difficult choice in his life.

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