الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2015


Best romantic film since Cold Mountain in 2003.
Joe Wright arrived very stage of maturity in the movies Bagtbash to McEwan novel and superiority by Bjdrah cinematic skills and give it the stamp of professionalism in the industry.
In the filming of Christopher Hampton scenario you'll find that time is Gzk only throughout the film Bapetkarh how to make a scene Anonymous giving you the result before the data in a way reincarnation and personal point of view of the characters in the film and the beautiful thing is that these personal ignorant of what is swirling around the belief just the opposite, and But is there a certain age to distinguish between what is right or wrong? Certainly not, man is still a man he was 15 or 100.

The film begins like any European romantic film, you expect a love story divides them in a manner unusual circumstances, continued belief that and you'll find yourself under the influence of a shock to shift the film to a dark love story unknown time in which different souls, but to become a romantic film, like the wars of its kind.
The shift in the scenario narrative was reflecting the way the viewer is listed, so that makes you see the data from a personal point of view is wrong, and this error overlap, but it becomes a sin Vaosma, this was not a matter of tampering and renewal only, but the scenario has snapped up the heart of the viewer to see what the the hearts of the people who sinned, to make you at a loss with this great sin that overlaps the characters who hated everyone with the passage of time, human mistakes and there is no age characteristic to distinguish between right and wrong, but if you're a victim of this error, do not be in your hand, but blame that pays in the other psychological guilt to kill self with the passage of time.
After that Mac Ovoa won the first nomination from BAFTA tally increased and expectations have risen towards him after his role beautiful in the last kings of Scotland, the Mac in Vlmna today elaborately role, stunning and gorgeous, moments crying and joy, Mac break down barriers and become one of Hollywood stars coming inevitably, while Keira Knightley pursuing continuous creativity in the delivery of romantic feelings from behind the screen giant Berudha and her passion, Knightley made the best of her role in Pride Land Briggudays who ran the Oscar two years ago role.
More outweigh the point where the film Otonciment cinematography is stunning, can not forget that scene, which lasted for 4 minutes and a half and that was the best in the filming of the wars we've seen several full-length films! Camera animation and lightness they give the impression of darkness in the wars, cruelty and monstrous, and Mac being the center of all this, trying to search for the heart of a new, powerful work was a cinematography in this film, musical work was charming and full of sonic influences which renewed the traditional style of melodies habitual to give defended in concentration in the viewer's mind all the time.
Otonciment of films each year appear to show that the art of cinema sophisticated and high, away from it cultures of ideas to focus on the beauty and purity, and take the viewer away from the events of his life normal.

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